Best 11+ Results in Caterham

Preparing for 11+ Examinations

During the Spring term in Year 5, the children are introduced to 11+ preparation in the form of weekly preparation sessions, involving practice papers and guidance to improve examination technique. The children become familiar with the style and expectations of the papers and these are embedded into their weekly learning, with any marks and general feedback going home to parents. Following these discussions, pupils receive personalised advice and guidance which they can work on in preparation for individual interviews.

From the Spring Term of Year 5 the children receive:

  • weekly exam preparation sessions in English, Mathematics and Reasoning; the papers and the marks are shared with parents so that progress can be tracked
  • every Friday afternoon we also hold exam preparation sessions where the children can explore questions and topics in more detail and work on their individual targets
  • they will also continue to be called for individual or small group interview sessions during this time with various members of staff
  • the majority of 11+ entrance exams begin in the Autumn Term of Year 6 by which point our pupils are very well prepared
  • they will continue to have weekly English, Maths and Reasoning exam practice, as well as individual or small group interview practice until their final exam takes place
  • Interview preparations also begin, with the children seen by both the Headteacher and Year 6 teacher


Many of our children also sit scholarship exams in art, drama, music and sport and preparation for these are interwoven into the 11+ process.

  • identification of potential scholarship children tends to happen in Year 3 and 4 with specialist teachers identifying individual talents and discussions being held with parents on how to develop this talent further
  • children are then supported in applying for a scholarship by our specialist teachers and their applications and accompanying work is regularly reviewed and discussed
  • recommendation letters written by our specialist staff support any applications submitted

As a result of this gradual yet thorough preparation, our pupils go into their exams confident and self-assured and our senior school successes speak for themselves.

We have strong links with lots of senior schools who are very complimentary about Essendene pupils joining them. Year 6 pupils often achieve scholarships and awards. 

Year 6 Leavers' Destinations