A Day at Essendene Lodge

Years 1 - 6 have 5 one hour lessons a day with two breaks; a short mid morning break and a longer lunchtime with plenty of time to enjoy their meal before time for a club or run-around in the playground.

An example day can be seen below:

Morning work / Lesson 1
9.30 – 10.30
Lesson 2
10.30 – 10.45
Form time
Morning break
11.00 -12.00
Lesson 3
Lunch break
1.15 – 2.15
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
3.15 - 3.30
End of the Day dependent on year group

Extra Curricular Activities

There are a plethora of clubs for pupils to join ranging from creative activities to learning a new language or stem based there is something for everyone.

More about Extra Curricular activities can be seen here.

Wrap around care

Essendene School operates a wraparound care service from 8am to 6pm every day, providing a good value and convenient option for working parents. This starts with breakfast club in the morning and continues after-school with homework club after-school care and extracurricular clubs.

After-school care runs from 4:30 pm to 6 pm where children are provided with a hot meal and enjoyable activities. Children attending club activities until 4:30 pm may complete their homework during after school care.

Holiday activities

Our holiday club is highly popular with children of all age groups in the school. It runs during half term, Christmas, Easter and summer holiday periods. The holiday club is open to non Essendene pupils.

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